Palace City Profiles
Palace City Profiles is an ongoing series of community members’ stories, introducing us to our neighbors and the individuals who live and/or work in Mitchell. If you have suggestions for individuals or families with a great story, contact Doreen Nelson at Doreen@MitchellSD.comKaren WhitneyWednesday, April 21, 2021Karen WhitneyMonday, March 22, 2021The Gades moved back to Mitchell, South Dakota and they couldn't be happier. Read moreKaren WhitneyMonday, March 8, 2021Delightful family love's living in Mitchell, SD because the people are so warm. It's just the right size to raise a family. Read more(0) CommentsKaren WhitneyMonday, February 8, 2021Mitchell Family lives in a delightful old-fashioned neighborhood. Read moreDr. Karen WhitneyTuesday, December 1, 2020The Grewings retired to Mitchell two years ago. The longer they live in Mitchell the more they like it. Dan and Juanita are fun to be around and like to be involved in the community. Read moreDr. Karen WhitneyFriday, November 13, 2020Palace City Profiles is an ongoing series of community members’ stories, introducing us to our neighbors and the personalities that call Mitchell home. If you have suggestions for individuals or families with a great story, please contact Dr. Karen Whitney at 996-1140. Read moreDr. Karen WhitneyMonday, October 12, 2020Karen WhitneyMonday, September 21, 2020The Steckel family lives in Letcher and works and plays in Mitchell, South Dakota. Read moreKaren WhitneyWednesday, July 15, 2020Lance and Caitlyn Burrell have made Mitchell their home for the past two years. Read more
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